What Are Ethical and Social Issues of Cosmetic Surgery?

5 min readSep 2, 2022

Cosmetic surgery is a growing industry that is becoming increasingly popular.

It has become a way for people to change their appearance and feel better about themselves.

However, there are many ethical and social issues that are associated with cosmetic surgery.

This article discusses some of the most important ethical and social issues that are related

to cosmetic surgery.

Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash

What is cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is a procedure that is used to improve the appearance of a person’s body. There are many different types of cosmetic surgery, and each one has its own benefits and drawbacks.Some of the most common types of cosmetic surgery include liposuction, tummy tucks, breast enlargement, and brow and eyelash extensions. Cosmetic surgery can be expensive, but it usually results in a much improved appearance than if the problem wasn’t addressed at all. In fact, many people find that their self-esteem increases dramatically after undergoing cosmetic surgery.

The Ethical Implications of Cosmetic Surgery.

There are a number of ethical implications that should be considered when it comes to cosmetic surgery. The most important of which is the question of consent.

It’s important to clarify from the outset that cosmetic surgery is not medical treatment. It’s instead a practice designed to change someone’s appearance in a way that they find acceptable and pleasing. This means that Cosmetic Surgery must always be performed with the patient’s full and informed consent. Furthermore, patients have the right to change their mind at any time and should be given information about all the risks and benefits involved in undergoing surgery.

There are also a number of other ethical considerations that need to be taken into account when it comes to cosmetic surgery. For example, it’s important to consider the impact that cosmetic surgery will have on society as a whole. Will people start viewing appearance differently once they see more people looking different? Is this something that we want? And what about those who are already marginalized by society — how will their appearance be affected by cosmetic surgery?

All in all, there are many complex ethical questions surrounding cosmetic surgery that need to be considered before any decisions are made. But, by taking these issues into account, we can hope to create a better world for everyone involved

The Social Implications of Cosmetic Surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is a growing trend, and the social implications of this are complex and far-reaching.

cosmetic surgery involves the modification or alteration of one’s external appearance for the purpose of improving one’s self-esteem or self-image. As such, it has a significant impact on society as a whole.

There are a number of reasons why cosmetic surgery is becoming increasingly popular. People may choose to have it done because they feel that it improves their quality of life. They may also believe that it makes them look more attractive and confident, which can help them in their professional life as well as in their personal relationships.

However, despite these benefits, there are also some potential social consequences associated with cosmetic surgery. For example, people who have had cosmetic surgery may feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. This can lead to psychological problems like low self-esteem and depression, which can be difficult to overcome. Additionally, cosmetic surgery may create new social boundaries between different groups of people. For example, those who have had cosmetic surgery might become treated differently by other members of society based on their perceived level of attractiveness.

The Psychological Implications of Cosmetic Surgery.

There are a number of psychological implications that come with cosmetic surgery. Some people view it as a way to improve their appearance, while others see it as a way to feel better about themselves.

Regardless of why someone decides to go through cosmetic surgery, there are certain psychological implications that need to be taken into account. For example, many people who have surgery are generally optimistic and feel more confident after the procedure is complete. However, some people may experience postoperative depression or anxiety, which can last for several months or even years.

Another psychological implication of cosmetic surgery is body image distortion. Many people who have had cosmetic surgery view their bodies in a much different way than they did before the surgery. This can lead to distorted views of one’s own body and unrealistic expectations about how one’s body should look. It can also create feelings of shame or guilt, which can be difficult to overcome.

Overall, cosmetic surgery has several Psychological Implications that need to be considered before making any decisions about whether or not to go through with the procedure.

Should Cosmetic Surgery Be Regulated?

There are pros and cons to regulating cosmetic surgery. On the one hand, it would protect patients from dangerous or unskilled practitioners. It would also help to ensure that the quality of surgical procedures is consistent and high-quality.

On the other hand, there is a risk that regulation could lead to a decline in the number of people opting for cosmetic surgery, as those who do not want to comply with regulations may find it harder to get surgery done. There could also be a decreased demand for skilled surgeons, which in turn could lead to a decrease in their wages and job security.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual country or state to decide whether or not they want to regulate cosmetic surgery.

What Are the Dangers of Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is a popular way for people to improve their appearance. However, there are many risks associated with it.

Some of the most common dangers of cosmetic surgery include:

- Infection: There is a high risk of infection during and after cosmetic surgery, which can result in serious complications.

- Bleeding: Scarring from cosmetic surgery may cause excessive bleeding, which can lead to extensive damage to the skin and even death.

- Damage to the Eye: Cosmetic surgery can also lead to damage to the eye, which may require long-term treatment and even permanent vision loss.

- Risk of Cancer: Long-term use of cosmetics may increase your risk of developing cancer in the future.

- Risk of Injury: Cosmetic surgery is often done without proper medical supervision, which can lead to injuries that may not heal properly.


Nowadays, the Social issues related to cosmetic surgery have become a hot topic. The number of cases where unethical practices are being used has also started emerging.

To conclude, rather than just going by the trends and hype around cosmetic surgery, it becomes everyone’s responsibility to make sure that the procedure is safe and ethical. We must be more aware about how we talk about surgeries like these in front of our teenaged children or when friends come over for dinner parties.

